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10:05 / E Premte, 22 Mars 2024 / L K

Mbajti fetusin e vdekur për 56 vjet, vdes 81-vjecarja pas operacionit

Një 81-vjeçare braziliane ka vdekur pasi iu nënshtrua një operacioni për të hequr një fetus 56-vjeçar nga barku i saj.

Daniela Vera pa e ditur kishte një shtatzëni ektopike kur ishte më e re, dhe ankesat për dhimbje barku u injoruan nga mjekët për vite me radhë.

Daniela, nga Aral Moreira, Brazil, shkoi në një qendër shëndetësore lokale më 10 mars, ku u trajtua për një infeksion uji, përpara se të dërgohej në një spital tjetër ku mori bëri disa skanime.

Skanimet zbuluan lithopedion, nga fjalët greke që do të thotë “gur” dhe “fëmijë” – një gjendje ku një shtatzëni ektopike abdominale kalcifikohet rreth fetusit. Pavarësisht se kishte shtatë fëmijë, gjendja kaloi pa u vënë re derisa Daniela bëri skanerë, shkruan Metro.

BY NATALIA PENZA PLEASE BYLINE IF USED Attention Newsdesks. Links to relevant pics and video below including photos of the pensioner that died, Daniela Almeida Vera, and the ?stone baby? she was carrying inside her. I wouldn?t advise using stills from the second part of the video which is part of the second link where the calcified foetus is held up as it?s a bit graphic https://www.odiariodacidade.com.br/2024/03/bebe-de-pedra-tragedia-e-misterio.html https://www.campograndenews.com.br/cidades/interior/mae-de-feto-de-pedra-dona-daniela-criou-7-mas-tinha-medo-de-medico AN OAP has died in Brazil after surgery to remove an ultra-rare ?stone baby? she had been carrying inside her for an estimated 56 years. Daniela Almeida Vera, 81, passed away a day after the surgery at a hospital in Brazil. Medics had detected the calcified foetus, called a lithopedion, during a scan after Daniela complained of stomach pains. The scan was taken after she was rushed to Ponta Pora Regional Hospital in the central-west state of Mato Grosso do Sul with a generalised infection from another hospital nearer her home she had sought help from for a urinary infection. Before the shock ?stone baby? discovery medical experts suspected she had cancer. They have concluded she had been carrying the dead foetus in her body since her last pregnancy more than five decades ago.

Ajo hyri në operacion, pas së cilit u transferua në terapi intensive, ku vdiq më 15 mars pasi pësoi një infeksion.

Dr.Patrick Dezir, kreu i departamentit të shëndetit të Spitalit Ponta Pora, tha: “Kur ndodh shtatzënia, ajo duhet të jetë brenda mitrës, por në disa situata, shtatzënia mund të ndodhë jashtë. Ajo foshnje nuk ishte klinike, pacientja nuk kishte dhimbje akute dhe nuk kishte gjakderdhje të madhe dhe kjo diagnozë kalon pa u vënë re dhe koha do të kujdeset për atë trup të huaj që ka mbetur brenda barkut të gruas”.

BY NATALIA PENZA PLEASE BYLINE IF USED Attention Newsdesks. Links to relevant pics and video below including photos of the pensioner that died, Daniela Almeida Vera, and the ?stone baby? she was carrying inside her. I wouldn?t advise using stills from the second part of the video which is part of the second link where the calcified foetus is held up as it?s a bit graphic https://www.odiariodacidade.com.br/2024/03/bebe-de-pedra-tragedia-e-misterio.html https://www.campograndenews.com.br/cidades/interior/mae-de-feto-de-pedra-dona-daniela-criou-7-mas-tinha-medo-de-medico AN OAP has died in Brazil after surgery to remove an ultra-rare ?stone baby? she had been carrying inside her for an estimated 56 years. Daniela Almeida Vera, 81, passed away a day after the surgery at a hospital in Brazil. Medics had detected the calcified foetus, called a lithopedion, during a scan after Daniela complained of stomach pains. The scan was taken after she was rushed to Ponta Pora Regional Hospital in the central-west state of Mato Grosso do Sul with a generalised infection from another hospital nearer her home she had sought help from for a urinary infection. Before the shock ?stone baby? discovery medical experts suspected she had cancer. They have concluded she had been carrying the dead foetus in her body since her last pregnancy more than five decades ago.