23:15 / E Premte, 09 Nëntor 2018 / indeksADMonline

Gjen fotografitë e zhveshura ish të dashurës në telefonin e partnerit, tërbohet gruaja dhe i publikon në internet

Një grua ka kontrolluar telefonin e të dashurit dhe rastësisht në të ka gjetur fotografitë e zhveshura të ish të dashurës së tij.

Rachele Dale ka gjetur fotografitë e ish të dashurës së Alex Montogomery, i cili është partneri aktual i saj.

Këto fotografi, ajo i ka shpërndarë në rrjetet sociale ku ka më shumë se 2.000 ndjekës dhe ka paralajmëruar ish-in.

“Ato do të shpërndahen në internet nesër” ka shkruar ajo.

Por këto fotografi, ani pse u fshinë vetëm tetë minuta më vonë, u shpërndnë në internet.

Si pasojë e kësaj, Dale rrezikon të dënohet me burg për shkelje privatësie dhe publikim të pa autorizuar të fotografive./Indeksonline/

Rachel Dale a businesswoman (with boyfriend Alex Montgomery) who caused her boyfriend's ex-lover to attempt suicide after she posted intimate pictures of her on her company Instagram page during an ''impulsive'' bout of jealousy.Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspxRachel Dale and her partner Alex Montgomery leaving Tameside Magistrates court where she stands accused of revenge porn. Rachel Dale a businesswoman caused her boyfriend's ex-lover to attempt suicide after she posted intimate pictures of her on her company Instagram page during an ''impulsive'' bout of jealousy.Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspxRachel Dale and her partner Alex Montgomery leaving Tameside Magistrates court where she stands accused of revenge porn. Rachel Dale a businesswoman caused her boyfriend's ex-lover to attempt suicide after she posted intimate pictures of her on her company Instagram page during an ''impulsive'' bout of jealousy.Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspxRachel Dale a businesswoman who caused her boyfriend's ex-lover to attempt suicide after she posted intimate pictures of her on her company Instagram page during an ''impulsive'' bout of jealousy.Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspx
