75 Mall Live Search
19:10 / E Premte, 20 Prill 2018 / indeksADMonline

Yolanda 55 vjeA�are seksi dhe provokuese nA� bikini (Foto)

Pasi qA� i bA�ri edhe vajzat e saj modele shumA� tA� njohura nA� tA� gjithA� botA�n, Yolanda ka treguar se nuk ua a�?lA�shona�? aspak rrugA�n me forma.

SA� fundi, ajo ka publikuar disa imazhe ku shihet nA� plazh me bikini, transmeton Indeksonline.

Jump for joy! Hadid gave stunning daughters Gigi and Bella a run for their model money when she shared a sultry bikini photo on her Instagram Tuesday

Format e saj trupore janA� pA�r lakmi ashtu siA� A�shtA� edhe fytyra e saj. 55 vjecarja angazhohet shumA� edhe nA� karrierA�n e fA�mijA�ve tA� saj, jo vetA�m tA� Gigit dhe Bellas por edhe tA� birit./Indeksonline/

A 10! Yolanda Hadid looked toned in a black bikini in this Instagram snap shared on ThursdayDon't let the sun go down on me! Another one of the star's  photos showed Yolanda's trim legs with a sandy shoreline in front of her and an orange glow deep on the horizonRing, ring! The Lyme disease advocate joked around a bit on her Instagram story, holding a huge conch shell to her ear with the text: 'Call me...#ShellPhone' on topCalm time:A�A�The former Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills star added in the caption, 'Best cure for the body is a quiet mind.' And she added the hashtag Nature Walks